Emma McDowell

Current Money Raised:

Sponsorship Goal: $3,000.00

Current Mileage:

Mileage Goal: 200

The Ranch is my second home, and I believe I will always feel that way... From 2018-2020 I had the honor of being an intern at the Ranch, which turned into one of the best yet hardest experiences of my life. Two months into my internship, I had the chance to experience my first Agony Ride as a sagger, and I was overwhelmed in the greatest way possible as I watched the Ranch students experience love and care in a way that many of them have never experienced love and care before. So, that is when I decided that I wanted the chance to ride in Agony at least once in my lifetime, and 2022 was that year! Riding last year was worth the pain and exhaustion that I felt after the ride. As I rode back from the ride to Grass Valley with some of last year's interns and students, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the students' and interns' Agony Ride experiences and what it had meant to them. As I went back-and-forth in my thoughts and prayers trying to decide if I was going to ride in Agony Ride 2023, I remembered my past times as an intern, a sagger, and a rider and the deep impact each of those roles have had on my life. Now, here I am... all signed up for Agony Ride 2023. I am excited to be a part of how God uses Agony Ride 2023 in the lives of the students, interns, staff, saggers, sponsors, and riders.

Thank you for your prayers and for choosing to sponsor me! Your gift will make a difference in the lives of many young women and men as they make the life-altering choice to live at the Ranch where they will receive constant love and support from the interns and staff, beyond the Agony Ride.

Emma J. McDowell

Emma's Recent Events

Emma's Sponsors

Emma's Messages

Emma's Previous Rides

2 rides, 342 miles ridden, $5,004.30 raised

  • 2023: 190 miles, $2,753.50 raised

  • 2022: 152 miles, $2,250.80 raised