Paxton Fitzpatrick

Current Money Raised:

Sponsorship Goal: $7,500.00

Current Mileage:

Mileage Goal: 300

My goal is to get to 300 miles. I want to test myself and go through a greater physical, mental, and spiritual obstacle. I will plan to ride by myself if needed. I was blessed to ride with my own brother and trusted friends last time, but I need more focus and freedom to hit 300. Please pray for the right team to organically come around.
I'd like to do more in my fundraising this year, mainly calling each donor and personally inviting them to sag or ride themselves.
I want to be receptive to the spirit as I ride all these miles. I want to receive help when I need to, I want to give encouragement when others are visibly or invisibly needing it. And I want to grow closer to God while I ride. I hope to rely on him early and as often as I can.

Paxton's Recent Events

Paxton's Sponsors

Paxton's Messages

Paxton's Previous Rides

3 rides, 810 miles ridden, $25,515.22 raised

  • 2023: 304 miles, $9,064.82 raised

  • 2021: 253 miles, $8,218.40 raised

  • 2019: 253 miles, $8,232.00 raised