Baker Cleveland III

Current Money Raised:

Sponsorship Goal: $1,000.00

Current Mileage:

Mileage Goal: 150

  • Update - Aug. 11, 2024, 12:40 a.m.

    To my Sponsors, Thank you for sponsoring me this year. You have helped raise a record $410K for at-risk-youth. They will receive free Tuition to Christian Encounter Ranch, a place where they can overcome abuse, addiction, suicide, self-harm, etc. with the help of loving staff and through the Love of Christ. You are my heroes! It's because of your love and support, that I ride. This year my time and mileage were cut short due to the Park Fire burning in northern California. My dad was close to being evacuated so Jim, my riding partner and I left at 2 AM Saturday morning to be ready to help evacuate him if needed. We continued our ride in Sacramento that Saturday morning right up to the finishing time rounding out our total mileage at 113 miles. This statement is from the Agony Ride stats email: "Agony Ride 2024 numbers: 139 riders, 25,951 total miles ridden (more than the earth’s circumference), and over $410K raised. All are new records." Thank you for partnering with us to set new records and bringing life to those who are walking in darkness! With Love, Baker

Agony Ride 2024
Thank you for visiting my sponsorship page. A donation to Christian Encounter Ranch (CER) provides financial assistance to troubled teens for CER’s tuition. CER creates an atmosphere, a community which can truly changes their lives. I have seen and met some of these youth over the years and I am blessed to see the difference in their lives. My goal is to raise $1000 in tuition. Please join me in saving a young person’s life. I also ask for your prayers. Prayers for the youth, prayers for the staff and prayers for me. We all need the love and support God has for us. I will have a lot of time out there to pray so let me know how I can pray for you as well.

I am excited to get back out on the road to ride with my faithful brother-in-law, Jim Milne. Last year I pushed myself to 223 miles. That was incredible! I met some amazing people that helped me achieve that goal. Lawrence who rode with me through the night and stayed with me even after I hit a massive pothole that flattened my tire. A peloton group whose leader road over 300 miles allowed me to ride with them against the wind when I was really hurting in the 23rd hour of the ride. I was truly in “agony” fighting the pain of my body and the wind. I wanted to give up, after all it was just the last hour. But I thought of the youth at CER and how they are not giving up, even in their agony. Just then, I saw the peloton group approaching and they said my name as they rode by, my strength was renewed, so I jumped in, and they helped me cut through that never-ending exhausting wind. I was still in pain, but I wasn't giving up.

In community, everyone has their part. In 1 Corinthians 12 verse 21, it describes a body, "The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don't need you’. And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you.’” Your support of CER shows these young people they are not forgotten in their suffering, we stand in the gap, praying for them, remembering them, helping them financially. Verse 26 says, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” Through your support, you help CER honor these young brothers and sisters, rejoicing with them as they break through the separating darkness and walk into the everlasting light of Jesus. Their perspectives change – about themselves, who they are, about those around them and about God.

When I see the youth at the SAG stations joyfully helping, I know God is moving in their lives. And when they see us riding, they are humbled to know that we love them even though we don’t know them and we’re willing to ride for 24 hours just for them. And when we talk to them at the SAG stations, they know we see them. Thank you for being part of this journey to bring love and healing to those who Jesus calls “the least of these”.

Thank you and Love you all,

Baker's Recent Events

Baker's Sponsors

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Baker's Previous Rides

5 rides, 722 miles ridden, $3,125.50 raised

  • 2023: 223 miles, $1,480.00 raised

  • 2021: 140 miles, $595.00 raised

  • 2020: 148 miles (virtual), $500.00 raised

  • 2019: 211 miles, $550.50 raised