Current Amount Raised: $0.00 + $0.00 per mile
2024 Letter--
Here we go again. Another adventure afoot. As an update from last year, I eked out just 100 miles. That was, of course at the end of July. 2 1/2 months later, mid-October, I went in for open-heart surgery for a mitral valve replacement and a bicuspid valve repair. Needless to say, although I was back to work on light duty 5 weeks later (a concession of 7 weeks by the surgeon) I have done minimal training since then. Mostly due to busyness at work.
Additionally, I will be riding virtually this year (probably on the 13th and 14th) since the Ride falls on our 50th wedding anniversary and we will be celebrating at a resort out of country. Although I am feeling stronger than I deserve, and stronger than last year (I had difficulty navigating stairs or a fast walking pace last year), I am still building endurance and so will limit my mileage goal this year to 50. That seems like a round number, it honors my bride of 50 years, and also reflects my limited training time on the bike over the last couple of months.
At any rate, after 41 previous years of extolling the benefits and blessings of CEM/CER it's difficult to find new ways to say, support of my pedaling efforts is a great way to support a great, effective, and God-honoring critical ministry. Of course, you already know that, or you wouldn't be reading this novelette. So, thank you again, and my God bless and multiply your sponsorship gift to His glory and honor in redeeming young lives. ~Mike
2023 Letter
I am compelled to press on...
These words sound really spiritual when I cite them in reference to the Apostle Paul's sentiments regarding ministry and personal spiritual growth. However, I cannot claim such lofty sentiments. I just have to fall back on, "Agony, that's what I do." I guess I'll ride until I can't. It's been great over the years to see new Agony stars arise; folks who can raise the big bucks and young bucks who can crank out the big mileage. Part of what makes that so great is that all I have to do now is show up. I can do that. I will contribute as I can with the sponsors that have been so faithful over the years. Besides, that is one of the most important lessons anyone doing ministry can learn. If I just show up, then God can do something. Although God is certainly not dependent on my obedient faithfulness, it certainly works out better for all if I am. So, for the 41st time, here I am again. Thanks for your support, young lives depend on your generosity. May God's blessings follow you always. ~mike
2022 Letter
Well friends, after 39 years of riding the Agony you would think that getting my sponsor letter out in a timely fashion would be a piece of cake. I could get quite morbid here and talk about chaplain things that kept me distracted. But mostly it was “tonight I am sending out my letter…” then flopping into the easy chair and getting tired or distracted.
But one of the great perks about riding 39 years and soon making it 40 (caveat: James 4:13-14) is that you (my sponsors) pretty much know what’s coming at the end of July and are more righteous than I and self-motivate to sponsor and give.
I have long since abandoned the idea that it’s because you love me. I have had to accept the fact that it’s because you love to see me suffer in my old age. I suppose some might call that karma. I just take it as Paul did while in prison and his detractors did it to annoy him. (Philippians 1:15-18) OK, kidding on the detractor part. I know you enjoy my suffering only because I “enjoy” it too.
And I thank you for your support through all these years of my madness. Together we have provided for the opportunity for dozens of at-risk teens to have a chance at life through Jesus’ healing love. You all are “rock stars”, and I thank you. I know you didn’t do it for the extra jewels in the crown, but there will be some waiting for you. Which is an odd euphemism (probably too American) since all those jewel-laden crowns will be cast down at His feet and far outshone by the glory of His presence anyway.
Sorry, my adult on-set A.D.D. kicks in sometimes and I get distracted with various imaginings. But you have to admit, that’s a pretty cool imagining. Anyway, thanks for another year of support. It is greatly appreciated by me and by Ranch personnel and especially by the students who have the opportunity for discovering themselves in Jesus.
Here is a link to my CEM newsletter article:
2021 Letter
So this is ride number 39. I am not getting any younger, and since I am not yet retired, my free time is not increasing. My theme again this year is just ride and get through another year. Maybe I can retire after next year's (40th) ride. But even at this late sign up date, as I search for words to motivate myself and to inspire you give generously; I am reminded of 3 things. 1. God is still at work in this world to draw folks to Himself so he can lavish His grace on them. 2. CEM is in the business (quite effectively) of pointing damaged kids to God to feel His call of love and grace. As long as #1 is true, I cannot sit back idly and wish Him success. I must be a part of the search team in some fashion. I urge you to be on the Team too with generous donations to a worthy (yes He is) cause. Thanks again for your support of my pedaling efforts. ~Mike
2020 Letter-
Yes again, This is number 38. Sheesh!
July 12, 2020
Agony is 12 days away. I wish I could say that would be 10 training days. That is not to be. I may have had 10 training days this season. (an exaggeration, but not by much)
This is going to be most unusual Agony fundraising letter I have ever written. Mainly because it is the most unusual Agony I have ridden. When the current pandemic struck and our society came to a standstill, I don’t think any of us expected the impact to last this long. But now, as a result of so many restrictions and closures, this year’s Agony Ride will be a virtual event. CEM couldn’t get the county event permits.
Initially I was excited about that. I could watch riding videos for 24 hours… Tour de France reruns, Paris-Rubaix remixes, Olympic track competition. Then I found out I still had to get on my bicycle and peddle the miles and report my mileage online. Oh well.
Seriously though, as an essential service, CEM has continued to help disadvantaged young people throughout this entire health crisis. With health safety guidelines in place, “kids” with immense familial, relational, spiritual, emotional, and personal needs have been loved, taught, guided, disciple, counseled, encouraged, and tangibly shown the love and renewal of Jesus Christ. That work could not stop, because God’s love does not stop.
However, as with many faith-based non-profit funds have slowed and this Agony Ride fundraiser is as important as it ever has been in its 38 year history.
So, please consider a generous support of my feeble riding efforts so that these young people may continue tangibly experiencing the renewing, forgiving love of God.
Thanks Partners.
Ride #: 38
Date: July 24/25
Goal: 150 miles
Goal: $2,000
Route: Roseville/Lincoln
Weather: Likely daytime temps of triple digits.
2019 Letter
Yes, Again. The 37th time.
For my faithful followers, you know this is both a solicitation for sponsorships and my equivalent of the proverbial Christmas letter. So, please donate to this great cause.
Last year on the morning of the Agony I attended a funeral for a fire fighter who was killed in a non-work related accident. It was a very emotional service. As a result I started the ride two and a half hours late. Starting out of sequence like that I was emotionally drained to start and never got my fuel intake or fluid intake properly managed. I bonked at least twice and truly the Agony lived up to its name.
Since that time I have changed jobs and now am the Senior Chaplain/Executive Director of the Placer County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy. I the last few days prior to this writing, I have attended the line of duty funeral for SacramentoPD Officer Tara O'Sullivan and assisted the Sheriff with notifying a deputy's wife that he had died during a diving accident. That is kinda my life right now. I get called into service when there is some bad or fatal that has occurred.
In reflecting on that, I am reminded that Staff at CEM daily intervene with students for whom relational and spiritual death is knocking at the door. They have the privilege of bringing Life through Jesus and thwarting the victory of the Enemy. Your generous donation goes directly to keep that happening 24/7/365. Your pledge will allow dozens of young people to have the opportunity to choose Life over spiritual death this year. And next year we will do this again.
Please be generous, take a peek at the Ministry website and be encouraged by the great things happening in students' lives. Thanks; and GO B TEAM AGONY!!
2018 letter
The World Cup is well underway. Underdogs have survived. Favorites have fallen. The world awaits its Champion.
Two days from now the Tour de France will commence with stage 1. There will be pain, there will be anger, there will be elation, there will be road rash. In the end one rider and one team will emerge as Champions.
In both of these contests the world watches, it waits. Some cheer, some curse, others weep for grief or for joy. There is anticipation, drama, and excitement as entire nations are engulfed in a nearly desperate hope that their champions will emerge victorious.
Although the world has always sought a champion, it has not always watched the competition nor has it been aware of the most significant contests. Every day there are contestants engaged in a struggle, a winner-takes-all contest for their souls. Although this is universal, it is visibly, tangibly true at Christian Encounter Ranch.
Students, interns, and staff are daily countering the moves of the Enemy, seeking to shed the hindrances of hurt, guilt, pain. They charge up the mountain of God’s love seeking the polka dot jersey (climbing champion) of His Grace. They wait with hands clasped in prayerful anticipation as Jesus stands in goal fending off the penalty kicks of Satan, the Accuser.
All of this goes unobserved by a distracted world. But for 24 hours that changes in a microcosm called the Sierra Valley. For 24 hours riders compete, not against each other but against the elements and their own frailties. They do it not for a maillot jaune (yellow jersey) but to bring hope and love, tangibly, to young people who need encouragement to persist in their struggle toward healing. At the same time, the encouraged students are wildly cheering on their champions to that extra mile until that last minute.
These are the Champions of Grace, the riders, the saggers, the cooks and the record keepers of the Agony. This year’s ride is July 27-28. This is ride number 36. Although the financial survival of the Ranch (CEM’s residential facility) is dependent on the Agony Ride, it’s difficult to determine the most significant outcome of the Ride. Is it the money that God uses to keep the ministry solvent? Or, is it the motivation and hope it provides the students?
Regardless of where the answer lies in that question, I guarantee that your monetary and/or prayerful support of my pedaling efforts will significantly contribute to both. For my faithful supporters, thank you again. To my new supporters, welcome to B*-Team Agony. (*Boon)
2017 letter
Friends, B-Team Agony, I think this year’s theme is “DeJaVu”. This is my 35th Agony Ride. A rough count indicates that I have been over every inch of road, every pothole, every crevice in the pavement over 350 times in the last 30 years of this route. It’s all de ja vu.
Every year I have firm intentions of getting out my letter by June 1. And every year it’s after the 4th of July. More de ja vu. And every year I strain my brain to say something I haven’t said in the past 34 letters, and every year I try to come up with new excuses for the delay in sending this letter. I usually fail miserably at both. More de ja vu.
Well, just reminders then.
* Christian Encounter Ministries serves in a much needed way to those who are desperate for healing.
* The Ranch continues to produce amazing and heart-wrenching stories of young lives being turned around by God’s love, power, and grace.
* The Agony Ride is the largest single source of funds for CEM. And as B-Team Agony (B for Boon) sponsors you are participating in supporting a much needed, specific niche in the Kingdom of God.
* I once again come to you for prayer support and financial support while you ponder just how ridiculous I am for doing this again.
You have found my Agony page, check out the Agony video (very inspirational) and submit an online sponsorship or mileage pledge. (or you can send your pledge vial snail mail to
P.O. Box 1066
Grass Valley, CA 95945
2016 letter
A-lmighty G-od O-nly N-eeds Y-ou.
God owns, by nature of Creatorship, every resource in the universe, mineral and monetary.
He is self-sufficient and has no need of anything.
He neither hungers nor thirsts, sleeps nor seeks shelter from a storm.
But he desires you, wants you, has prepared for you.
In many respects this is what the Agony Ride is all about. Essentially it is what the students of the Christian Encounter Ranch come to hear and, hopefully, come to accept and own as their understanding of themselves and who God is. The Agony ride is simply a 24 hour demonstration of that message played out through the pedaling efforts of dozens of riders, and generosity of hundreds of sponsors.
Once again I come to you seeking your support of this effective and needed ministry.
This year has seen major changes at the Ranch. God infused new energy into the ministry through a new Director, Chuck Boatman. Although he had no plans to make any changes for a year, God thought better. Four major staffing changes have been made since January. All of them positive moves as God rearranged the resources of His Kingdom. As a board of directors we have renewed our commitments to influence, oversight, and support.
Personally life has gone crazy since the last Agony. Work at the University has become more challenging, ministry with the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy has become more significant and, with that, more time consuming, grandkids have become more active (which means more games and school activities to take up my Saturdays and evenings), and El Nino has brought much needed moisture to northern California (which means less good weather in which to ride). So, without making it sound too much like whining, it’s going to be a looong 24 hours of Agony. I will set my mileage goal at 200 miles, knowing that I haven’t paid my dues for that.
Please consider another year of support as we team together for this fantastic ministry.
The ride is 1:00 pm Friday, July 29th to 1:00 pm Saturday July 30th. If you receive this via snail mail, you can visit me online at ____ or mail in the attached sponsorship form.
Feel free to drop me a note or email at < >.
Riding off into the sunset;
To make a pledge to support Michael now, click the Sponsor Michael button.
42 rides, 8,723 miles ridden, $104,899.36 raised
2024: 65 miles (virtual), $915.00 raised
2023: 100 miles, $2,095.00 raised
2022: 114 miles, $3,439.00 raised
2021: 128 miles, $1,973.80 raised
2020: 143 miles (virtual), $1,675.00 raised
2019: 164 miles, $2,304.00 raised
2018: 143 miles, $2,095.00 raised
2017: 213 miles, $2,120.00 raised
2016: 109 miles, $1,255.00 raised
2015: 223 miles, $1,086.50 raised
2014: 206 miles, $1,318.00 raised
2013: 181 miles, $1,370.00 raised
2012: 181 miles, $3,259.00 raised
2011: 210 miles, $2,050.00 raised
2010: 201 miles, $2,061.00 raised
2009: 254 miles, $1,976.08 raised
2008: 243 miles, $10,925.00 raised
2007: 162 miles, $1,600.00 raised
2006: 201 miles, $1,271.00 raised
2005: 241 miles, $2,841.00 raised
2004: 163 miles, $1,430.95 raised
2003: 214 miles, $1,245.00 raised
2002: 308 miles, $1,815.00 raised
2001: 288 miles, $2,055.00 raised
2000: 313 miles, $1,471.00 raised
1999: 289 miles, $1,768.60 raised
1998: 254 miles, $894.00 raised
1997: 260 miles, $580.00 raised
1996: 252 miles, $773.00 raised
1995: 245 miles, $537.28 raised
1993: 304 miles, $8,040.80 raised
1992: 280 miles, $8,436.40 raised
1991: 257 miles, $3,776.20 raised
1990: 284 miles, $2,295.52 raised
1989: 299 miles, $3,471.19 raised
1988: 267 miles, $7,497.51 raised
1987: 223 miles, $3,592.53 raised
1986: 185 miles, $3,000.00 raised
1985: 147 miles, $2,500.00 raised
1984: 143 miles, $1,000.00 raised
1983: 136 miles, $500.00 raised